wisdom keepers, get lost, hiking, inner and outer landcapes Rutt-Lovise Strand wisdom keepers, get lost, hiking, inner and outer landcapes Rutt-Lovise Strand

The Bedrock of our Adventures

Explore the deeper landscapes of Måløy, for they are true holders of wisdom.

Exploring the deeper landscapes of Måløy, for they are true holders of the wisdom of Patience and Robustness.

Our beloved hometown is often recognized by the peak of Mount Veten and Mount Brurahornet. As a litte girl I thought they looked like volcanos, and I kept having dreams of fleeing from lava erupting from the top of the mounatins. Little did I know that my nightmares were not that far fetched.

The solid foundation of mother earth was formed 1.8 billion years ago. Deep within this bedrock, Veten and Brurahornet were formed from Magma 1,6 billion years ago! Magma refers to molten rock trapped underground, if this molten rock makes it to the surface and keeps flowing like a liquid, it is called lava.

This type of rock is called Mangeritt, they are tremendiously solid and in a world context they are very rare. The rock came to the surface on the coast of Norway because of the rise and fall of the Caledoninan chain of Mountains 400-500 million years ago, in combination with erosions during the Iceage.

So the next time you are hiking in the mountains of Måløy keep in mind that you are truly walking on solid ground!

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