In the depths of winter's darkness, there lies an opportunity to confront our fears and embrace the unknown.

Inspired by Pieter Ampe's thought-provoking play "Get Lost," I've come to realize that our fear of the dark may not stem from its uncertainty but rather from the clarity it brings to our truths.

Growing up amidst the glow of city lights, I was never afraid of the darkness. Instead, I found solace in its quiet embrace, wandering through the streets with a sense of wonder and curiosity. But as I've grown older, I've come to understand that darkness isn't just the absence of light — it's a mirror that reflects the hidden depths of our souls.

In the winter darkness, when the world is blanketed in snow and the air is crisp, the impact of light pollution becomes apparent. Artificial glow obscures the stars, leaving us feeling disoriented and disconnected from the natural world. Yet, amidst the darkness, there is an opportunity to get lost in the beauty of the unknown.

Pieter Ampe's "Get Lost" invites us to embrace the uncertainty, to relinquish our need for control, and to surrender to the mysteries of the night. It's a humble push that challenges us to confront our fears, to question our truths, and to explore new depths of introspection and discovery.

As I navigate the winter darkness, I'm reminded of the importance of embracing the unknown. By allowing ourselves to get lost, we open ourselves up to new experiences, insights, and perspectives. In the depths of the unknown, we may just find the clarity and connection we've been searching for.

So let us not fear the darkness but instead, embrace it as an opportunity for growth and exploration. For it is in the darkness that we may find the light we've been seeking all along.


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